Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Oldest Bad Drawings I Have - about age 10

I have decided to publish a history of my artistic life as I know it. It has been quoted to me that everyone has 500,000 bad drawings in them. This blog is a small sampling of my baddest (meaning best) work as a child. I'll spare you the really bad ones.

These are some of the oldest drawings I have in my posession. I'm certain I have more at my parents' house, but as of this post I only have a few digital scans of old work. I will someday create another blog with all my elementary school drawings. Everything here is about 6th grade, and I would have been 10 - 12 years old.

This is a copy of a Larry Elmore sketch from one of the original 70s D&D manuals my older brother Aaron had. She was in a sitting position. This may be my first inking job ever. I always did best copying things in my early years.

I drew this one night at my best friend Jerry's house. You are looking through a gate (with portcullis!) to a keep with a dragon flying behind it. Notice the giant sunset and the banner of a dragon with a sun behind it on the keep. I'm not sure exactly what gate we are looking through, unless it happens to be their neighbor enemy's or something, because it obviously isn't the gate to the keep.

A boy flings ice cream and makes a mess. I think it may have been a childhood fantasy I never realized.

This one might be hard to read. It's a leprachaun with his pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Notice the nice landscape vista with forests, a mountain, and the ocean, and the intuitive use of perspective.

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