Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A new Religion label

In accordance with a class I am taking that requires it, I have decided to start including topics of religious significance on this blog.

I consider my conversion to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormon Church) to be the capstone of my life and the singular event (although the process spanned several years and is ongoing still) that has changed my life for the better more than anything else I have done in my life.

I encourage everyone to ask questions about our place in this world, the meaning of life, and any other subject that seems important to them.

These religious posts will generally link to larger papers or articles outside of my blog so that it doesn't become distracting for visitors to the artwork.  I have chosen to include them, however, because it's pretty much what you would get in a conversation with me, since my views on art are inextricably connected to my religion.

To filter just the religion articles click the "religion" label at right.

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