I was not happy with the first draft so I went at it again. While I think there is a distinct improvement I'm not really sure how I feel about the piece. I can't decide whether it's over done or not...
In honor of nothing in particular I have changed my avatar from my famous mullet picture. I received many many requests from women to change the picture (it was too scary I think), and I did quite a while ago on Facebook, but I wanted something more artsy here. So I painted this.
According to the freeway signs, I live next to the largest dinosaur museum on the planet...hmm...Somehow I find that a little improbable. At an rate, I figured if they could claim to be the biggest it was probably worth the $10 entrance fee, and it was! The top two images are from a Gastonia (a type of Anklyosaur). The bottom is a crocodile skull. Did you know crocodiles have been around since the time of dinosaurs? That was news to me! Anyway it is a lot of fun.