Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Environment Reel

Hey all,
So I've decided to go the world building route.  Looks like there's more job opportunities there than anywhere at the moment, so I figured it would be wise as a career.

Michael Mercer's Environment Showreel Mar 2010 from Michael Mercer on Vimeo.

The portfolio blog moved to http://michaelmercerenvironment.blogspot.com.

And here's a few of the new things I've been working on...got several more on the way!!

PS - if you visit my environment portfolio, you'll get to see some of my textures for Pajama Gladiator I did back in 2007 as a sophomore...unfortunately not all of them made it into the film as there were some props that just got discarded, and I lost the files a long time ago.  I'm not sure anyone but the director and producer knows I did these textures because there was no one on campus that summer.  Have a great day!  Best of luck to everyone in their job hunts!

Monday, March 29, 2010


Here's a witch painting from my last semester of school...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


And to keep my blog from being too girly from that last post here are some very quick black and white beat boards I did for a local guy awhile back.  While they may look like they could be sequential they all represented different scenes.

Disney Princesses

So I'm a follower of the Avalanche Software Blog.  Last fall there was a series of Disney Princesses they painted, and I did this one just to see if I could.  They have recently revived the princess theme but I think with a bit of a twist, so I figured I'd post my painting, too.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Redneck Scrabble

So my friends and I invented redneck scrabble.  Anything flies as long as you can justify it in redneck dialect.  Here are the definitions for the above game.

smouh-- a country in the south Pacific.  Also a way to ask for more food

hagl - what you do at the farmer's market

muode - what cows do all night long

bfo - the US was better bfo the civil war.  bfo this game started we were also smarter

baiarhs - they live in the woods and try to eat you

grisiie - pots and hair both get this way with time

imixsit - you didn't mix it, I did

mastr - your mastr cylinder helps control your brakes

moov - your cars used to be able to do this before you got them

tasd - your friend Jethro got tasd last weekend by the police

hounny - the woman you love

od - you od your father money before you made it rich in the boiled peanut business

dunnit  - when you don't have to do something again

Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's a cooking blog again

Hey everybody. I changed the blog back to getting fancy. Finicky me. It just didn't feel right.
This painting started on my iphone.  Touched it up a little in photoshop.  It was something different and I went with it.  Paintings where I have no idea what's going on and I have to make up the rules on the fly are my favorite.